Monday, October 9, 2017

The Flex Belt Ab Toning Belt

Flex Belt Ab Toning Belt
Can the Flex Belt Turn you from Shrek to the Hulk?

What is the Flex Belt?

There are a lot of questions out there when it comes to fitness and let's be honest, things can just be confusing. Let's take ab toning belts, like the Flex Belt for example. Ab toning belts are essentially an electric belt that is used to stimulate muscles and make them contract. The idea behind this is that it mimics how muscles contract while you workout doing exercises like crunches.

The Flex Belt is one of these electronic ab toning belts you see touted on late night infomercials claiming to deliver shredded midsections and washboard abs.

Does the Flex Belt Work?

Electronic muscle stimulation technology used in the Flex Belt has actually been around for quite some time. Electronic muscle stimulation (EMS) has long been used in the sports industry to help ease injury recovery and soreness athletes experience from injuries or pro-longed workouts.

The Flex Belt is the only FDA registered EMS belt on the market and it has gained this trust by actually delivering results.

Don't be fooled though, like most things out there, you will not see serious results without serious commitment. That means you can't just slap on an ab belt, eat excessively and overlook exercise and expect that fat will melt away to reveal a cool sculpted set of abs.

You will need to follow the diet and fitness guidelines that come with the flex belt to see your best results.


Is the Flex Belt Safe?

I don't know of any reported issues where someone has been hurt or injured by just using an ab belt of any sort. This is a bit of speculation on my part but any back related injuries that might have been reported are more likely a result of improper weight lifting form and technique. The FDA cleared status of the Flex Belt also means that it meets applicable safety standards.

Where Can I learn More About The Flex Belt?

If you are looking to learn more about the Flex Belt and ab toning belts in general, take a peek at Critical Ab Belt Reviews ( for in depth comparisons and a detailed Flex Belt Review.

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